About us

 About us Mediumchat4all.comAbout us Mediumchat4all.com. Thank you for taking the time to read the text about us. We are a super nice team of mediums and psychics. All of whom work independently. You can see each box as an individual company.

The spiritual way of life

On Mediumchat 4 all you will find certified and screened psychics. Who have been working in the spiritual and paranormal for years. They want to be there for every fellow human being. To help them to live their lives from a spiritual perspective. The spiritual way of life is so nice to live out. You always experience balance and peace. You live from love for yourself. Your entire being experiences serenity. Love and relationships happen naturally.

The spiritual consultants at mediumchat4all are great at conveying this way of life. They are able to make customers aware of why everything goes wrong in their lives. Or not running well. Why they always get into trouble. Mediumchat4all customers are therefore very grateful if they have had a conversation with one of the spiritual consultants. You can see this in the Testimonials.

Customer-friendly rates

Because we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to consult a spiritual consultant. We use customer-friendly prices. While all mediums and psychics are certified! The spiritual counselors are at home in many markets. They are medium, clairvoyant, psychic. But also works as a relationship coach or therapist. Spiritual coach. Professional Tarot card reader

Chatting at mediumchat4all is possible for prices starting at € 0.90 cpm. You buy credits for this via your own account. And you can pay via Paypal.

You will also find future forecasters on Mediumchat4all. Dream interpretation, coffee grounds viewers. Or a clairvoyant who can come into contact with a loved one who has died. Of course you are also welcome to share your story. For a listening ear. Ask for advice. You will also find stress counselors who are very capable of guiding you to live life less stressfully.

Just start a chat sometime. Choose a consultant who appeals to you emotionally and indicates in the box that he or she is familiar with your questions.